Curriculum vitae

My name is Lorenzo Celli, I am a computer scientist mainly interested in computer graphics and related fields. I was born and raised in Bologna, Italy, where I currently live and work.

Work experience
devDept Software C# developer
2020 - present
DevDept software is a software company based in Bologna, Italy, that develops CAD frameworks for .NET using C#. I joined the company as a work-study student in May 2020 and have had the opportunity to work on various projects, ranging from CNC simulators to tessellation algorithms.
ECMWF Python developer
During April 2019 I took part, with the help of CINECA and CNR, to the summer of weather code, a programme run by ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) to develop innovative, open-source software. I worked with ECMWF once more in November 2019, this time to create some animations that were displayed at the annual AGU (American Geophysical Union) meeting.
CINECA Python developer
During and after high school, I worked as an intern for CINECA (the largest Italian computing centre) as a Python programmer. My primary responsibility was to assist in the development of BVTK, an add-on for Blender that enables integration with the scientific visualization library VTK (the source is available here).
Chialab Web developer
Chialab is a graphic design studio based in Bologna. I worked there as an intern for a few months during the summer of 2018 and 2019, mainly working as a web developer on two web applications that were never released. Starting out from the experience at Chialab, I developed the front-end and back-end of the website
Bachelor in Computer Engineering University of Bologna
110/110 cum laude

Broad-spectrum engineering education focused on strong design and operational skills. This includes: a solid physical and mathematical preparation; methodological, technical, and operational aspects of all main computer science disciplines; solid understanding of the subjects underlying electronic engineering, automation, and telecommunications.

The full program is available online at

Thesis: Tessellation of boundary represented CAD models (B-Rep)
Supervisor: Prof. Giulio Casciola

Exchange Program University of Technology Sydney

Thanks to a scolarship offered by Unibo as a part of their Overseas program, in 2021/2022 I studied abroad for an entire year (however, due to the COVID pandemic, the first six months of the program were conducted remotely). I chose the University of Technology Sydney, where I studied various subjects, including:

  • Introduction to Computer Graphics
  • Introduction to Data Analytics
  • Introduction to Computational Intelligence

IT Technical Institute IIS. Odone Belluzzi Fioravanti
100/100 cum laude
Prior to university, I attended the IIS. Odone Belluzzi Fioravanti technical school choosing the curriculum focused on computer science.